Authority for a Customs Clearance Agent to act as a Direct Representative

Date: {{ date('Y-m-d') }}
I, {{ $first_name }} {{ $last_name }} (i)

Having authority to sign on behalf of:

A: {{ $trading_name }} EORI no: {{ $eori_number }} (ii)
A1 (address): {{ $address }}
A2 (e-mail): {{ $email }} A3 (phone no.): {{ $phone_number }} (ii)

Hereby appoint:


To act on behalf of the entity named A above in the capacity of a Direct Representative in accordance with Article 18 and 19 of Regulation (EU) No. 952/2013. This authorisation is applicable to all consignments arriving or departing from the UK.

This Appointment applies with effect from the date of signature until revoked by the entity named at A above.

The entity A named above authorises the customs agent named at B to delegate customs clearance to sub agents as a Direct Representative of the declarant in all dealings with HMRC where circumstances necessitate.

The entity named in A authorises their representative, the customs agent named at B, to declare goods to HMRC using

Deferment Approval Number: {{ $deferment_number }} (if applicable)
 VAT Number: {{ $vat_number }}
Tick if you require due VAT to be postponed

In accordance with the Union Customs Code, a Direct Representative acts in the name of and on behalf of another person. In relation to import/export declarations, the importer/exporter will be liable for any customs debt arising from the declaration.


Position: {{ $position_in_company }}
Dated: {{ date('Y-m-d') }}
Please email this letter to

(i) Name of person signing, who must have authority to sign on behalf of the importer or exporter.
(ii) Legal name & EORI Trader Identification No. of importer or exporter.
(iii) Legal name & EORI Trader Identification No. of representative or agent.
This document will remain on file for 3 years and will be stored in line with GDPR regulations.